Fostering a Culture of Transparency: Whistleblowing in Our Company

Welcome to our whistleblowing page, a space where transparency and integrity lie at the heart of everything we do. Here, we openly encourage our employees to report misconduct or violations of company ethics, in full compliance with current laws.

We recognize the value of accurate reports and aim to ensure that every voice is heard and treated with confidentiality and respect. Through this process, we strive to continuously improve our practices and foster a safe and ethical work environment for all our employees.

Join us in fostering a culture of transparency and accountability, where every member of our team feels empowered to make reports without fear of negative repercussions.

Together, we can build a better workplace for everyone.


Here are the instructions on how to initiate your whistleblowing completely anonymously and securely.

Full information on Whistleblowing here

Make your report here.

Privacy Policy Whistleblowing